Simon Cassidy
Civil Engineer and Managing Director
Master of Engineering Practice (Civil), BEng Tech (Civil)
Simon is the founder and Managing Director of Genium Civil Engineering. He has over 20 years experience in the Local Government engineering sector in NSW managing the delivery of major road, bridge, water, sewer, and stormwater infrastructure projects. His experience covers all aspects of managing projects he has held the role of Project Director on a number of large infrastructure projects utilising GC21 General Conditions of Contract and also has a very good understanding of standard RMS contract documents.
Simon has skills in infrastructure design having undertaken design works for numerous road, storm water drainage, kerb & gutter, car parks and other infrastructure projects in the Local Government sector.
Simon also has extensive experience in contract administration including development of contract documentation, managing tender processes, undertaking the role of PAP/Superintendent, and managing site construction processes to ensure successful project outcomes.
Simon's experience includes:
Preparation of tender/contract documentation
Management of procurement processes including tendering in accordance with the Local Government Act 1993
Undertaking the role of Superintendent on large road and bridge construction projects
Contract administration utilising various forms of contract including GC21, AS4000, AS2124, & RMS C41
In depth knowledge of RMS technical specifications and requirements for Quality, WHS, & environmental management systems
Preparation of grant applications and supporting documentation including benefit cost analysis & project business cases
Project management of design and development stages for a broad range of civil infrastructure projects
Construction management including project planning and management of both day labour and subcontractors to deliver road and other infrastructure projects
Rural and urban road design
Stormwater drainage analysis, design, and construction
Management of environmental assessment and approvals.
Hamish Scroope
Project Engineer and Director
BEng Tech (Civil), AdvDip (Engineering Design)
Hamish is a Chartered Technologist Engineer with over 10 years experience in the NSW Local Government engineering sector in managing the delivery of road, bridge, water, sewer, and stormwater infrastructure projects. His experience covers all aspects of managing projects from design through to construction management and contract administration.
Hamish has extensive experience in contract administration including the development of contract documentation, managing tender processes, undertaking the role of superintendent, and managing site construction processes to ensure successful project outcomes. Hamish has a solid understanding of and experience in using Australian Standard and RMS contract documents.
Hamish has experience in civil design and review having been involved in design works for numerous road, water, sewer, storm water drainage, kerb & gutter, car parks and other infrastructure projects. Hamish has been involved in Local Government development and asset acceptance roles, including the design review and construction supervision of entire township developments. Through these roles, Hamish has developed an in-depth understanding of the NSW planning and development application/approval processes.
In 2018 Hamish was awarded the NSW IPWEA ‘David Abbott Award’ for Engineering Excellence for a young engineer.
Hamish's Experience includes:
Undertaking the role of Superintendent on a variety of civil infrastructure projects
Contract administration and preparation utilising various forms of contract including GC21, AS4000, AS2124, & RMS C41
In depth knowledge of RMS and Aus-Spec technical specifications and requirements for Quality, WHS, & Environmental management systems
Rural road, urban road and civil infrastructure design, review and construction supervision
Traffic Impact Assessment and Reporting
Stormwater drainage analysis, design, and construction
Management of environmental assessment and approvals
Preparation of detailed cost estimates for construction projects
Development assessment and certification of land use developments
Development and review of Traffic Management Plans in accordance with the TfNSW Traffic Control at Worksites Manual.